Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lake Arthur Morning

On a recent boat trip that took us to South Louisiana, and among other places, up the Mermentau River to a place called Lake Arthur. We were met at the dock of the Lake Arthur Yacht Club by a group of happy cajuns, who not only helped us tie up, but invited us to join in the Friday afternoon cooking and consumption of a feast that ended early Saturday morning, only after we had sung every song the guitar player knew.

This Saturday sunrise shot was taken with a wide angle lens in camera raw. In photoshop I saved a normally exposed version, a bright version, and a dark version of the same image to be sure all the tonal ranges were covered. Then, I combined these three images into one HRD image, using PhotoMatix. I saved the HDR image and edited it in Photoshop for perspective distortion, selective brightening, selective vibrance, and selective sharpening.