Monday, June 20, 2011

Up in Smoke

Here's the first image from my photo shoot this morning. It's part of what I'm calling my "Up in Smoke" collection.

Your interpretation of this abstract image is as good as mine. What do you see?


Sunday, June 19, 2011


Joey has been a friend of mine for over 30 years. He was born with a relatively functional form of autism spectrum disorder, and he's a good guy to hang out with.

Joey and his dad stopped by yesterday, and Joey agreed to sit for a quick portrait.

Joey is lit with a close in, 30" x 60" horizontal soft box (see it in the catch lights in his eyes), camera right, and a 36" round white reflector, camera left. There is a Vivitar strobe, centered behind Joey about 36" above the floor, shooting up on the dark gray backdrop to provide some separation from the background.

Camera Data: Canon 5D Mark II, manual mode, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, f/5.6 at 105 mm lens focal length; auto focused on the camera left eye.

Post processing was done completely in the CS5 Camera Raw Converter 6.4.1, without opening the image in Photoshop.