Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I shot this image of Seattle photographer Jan Klier in Savannah last year.

It was shot at an effective focal length of 80mm in available light at ISO 100, f/1.4, and exposed for 1/50 sec.

Post was done in ACR and CS4.

Having him look past that vertical post seemed like a slick idea at the time. Now it just seems distractive.


Life As We Know It

You can probably make up a better story than I can about this one.



Here's a shot from my neighbor's garden back in November.

This was shot in bright sunlight under a scrim with a Canon 500D close-up lens on a 24-105mm f/4 IS USM lens set at 105mm, f/4, ISO 400 and underexposed by 2/3 stop at 1/125 sec.

Post processing in CS4 included some darkening and motion blur on the background, high pass sharpening on the foreground, and selective hue/saturation adjustments to pop the yellow a bit in the foreground.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Here's a lensbaby shot, enhanced a bit with some extra radial blur.

Happy holidays everyone!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Well Loved

This well-loved young man, receiving a grandmotherly kiss, was one of Cameron's special guests at her first birthday party last week.

This image was shot across a crowded kitchen full of relatives and assorted birthday party guests with a Canon 5D Mark II, using tungsten white balance and ISO 1600, in available, mixed indoor lighting with a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM lens set at 200 mm, f/2.8, and underexposed by 1/3 stop at 1/125 second.

Post processing was done in Adobe Camera Raw and CS4. Notice how the white balance set for the tungsten foreground lighting produced a complementary blue color cast on the natural white sunlight in the background.

You may want to click on this image to see it larger. I'm wondering if I should clone out one of the double catch lights in each of his eyes. What do you think?


Monday, December 7, 2009


I was invited to Cameron's first birthday party today. After her post-birthday-cake bath, she was drying off and checking out the soap container with her mom, while Uncle Charlie got this shot.

This image was shot in available light at 105mm, f/4.0, ISO 1600, and exposed for 1/80 sec.

Post in CS4.