Monday, September 6, 2010

Boston Harbor

This view of Boston Harbor was shot hand-held, from the second deck of a moving tour boat in mid-afternoon light.

The resolution of the full-sized sensor on the Canon 5D Mark II allowed me to do this panoramic crop, without losing too much detail.

I shot this with a 24mm lens focal length at ISO 400, f/16, and exposed for -0.67 Ev at 1/640 second.



This working dinghy was tied up at a dock in the harbor at Rockport, Massachusetts.

This was shot near mid-afternoon in open shade provided by an adjacent building.

I shot this hand-held from a walkway above the floating dock, using a lens focal length of 67 mm, at ISO 800, f/16, and 1/100 sec.


New England Lighthouse

This New England lighthouse, silhouetted against the setting sun, marks the entrance to the Annisquam River from Ipswich Bay, near Gloucester, Massachusetts.

While I was framing the shot, a fishing boat conveniently appeared on its way home at sunset.

The shot was hand-held, using a 67mm focal length at ISO 400, F/16, and underexposed by 0.67 Ev at 1/250 sec.