Friday, November 20, 2009

Bellagio 3

I shot this image across the lake in front of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. That's the Paris Hotel and Casino in the background, behind the Las Vegas version of the Eiffel Tower.

I shot it handheld (but supported on a stone fence) in available light just as the sun was setting behind the camera, using a Canon 5D Mark II and a Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens zoomed in to 40 mm. It was shot in Av Mode at ISO 1600 and underexposed by 2/3 stop at f/7.1 for 1/25 second. Image Stabilization may have saved my bacon on this shot.

Post processing was done in Photoshop CS4.

I decided not to drag my tripod on the plane with me this trip, and I regretted it on this shot. I was pushing the edge of the capabilities of the 5D Mark II, shooting handheld at ISO 1600. A lower ISO and slower shutter speed might have helped reduce color noise in the sky.

You may want to click on this image to see it larger.